221110 marks the first month of Selina's accident. Felt pretty :/ about it. During the course of this month, I've initially cant accept this fact and cant do anything to accepting, praying for her frequently, get on with life (duh). Just that whatever physical pain I feel these days (and in the days to come I guess) wont hurt as much as in the past as I'm always reminded of how much pain ( * N times) she's going through. That little hurt isn't anything much, actually.
191110-221110, PDI Youth Camp ^^
Too many things which happened/ felt/ prayed for/ fun times ^^ here goes~
- Same group with Waiwan again! Just that she's the group leader now. Ok it feels a bit.. weird? HOTDOGBUN (L)
- Made more new friends and caught up with old ones ^^ E.g. Yongming and he's been heavuly texting/ flooding my fb page these days. Ahaha.
- Did many crazy stuffs (forced through the games, actually) that I won't be doing during outings O: and got many yucky (or not) things onto myself S: toothpaste, tomato ketchup, gee (eeee!), seawater + seaweed overload, .. and bathing in the open, literally. one station had us to wash hair for each other to collect as much foam to win the game. In the end Waiwan and I (and many others I think) were totally soaked. Unusual experience ^^
- Experienced God's presence. Doesn't mean that I don't experience His presence when there's no camp but somehow I experienced it much more stronger. &I know that whatever problems or joy I have He's always there to share with me. Years back I doubted Him but now I don't :D He's the confirm + chop 有福同享,有难同当 friend who's there 24/7. ^^ I know I know that my papa God loves me~
- HTHT (L) You know who you are.
- Had many many thoughts during the camp, till I wrote reflections every night while everyone's sleeping :p Fun awesome mind-filled times ^^
- My havaianas sandals gave me 4 blisters + a cut on both feet -.- I think I wont ever wear it again. Which gives me another reason to go shopping for another one (not havaianas but some other nicer and comfortable ones). Good thing is I bought it on offer or else.. heart pain $.$!!
- Leslie gave the whole group Kinderjoy! my favourite ^^ + a note. I like the statement he wrote "Have a child-like faith in God!". (Y)
- Can't think of anything else for now. Will update if there's somemore. :))
Going overseas soon (Y) Gathering with camp friends (mostly BB boys from my group) this friday. Woohoo~
Was reading through the archives and realised that so many things have changed. Friendships lost (lost contact T^T), friendships formed. Yet I realised I've to thank God for all. Over these years He taught me too much. ^^ Now I know who my true friends are :))
Flipped open my box of letters and read almost every single one of them. Yes no matter what letters I received I'll forever keep them in my treasure box. ^^
Started working just before camp, gonna continue to do so after Tw/Hk trip. Woohoo $.$
&Sheepiiee promised me a birthday cake! ^^ (this year no cake so far, (N)).